Saturday, November 17

Slow Down & Take Caution

Reading Proverbs this morning, I came across this, from 13.3: 

He who guards his lips guards his life…
…but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin 

Most of us have spoken "rashly" and know what Solomon is saying only too well.  We speak before we think sometimes, don't we?  

This reminds me of a certain freeway interchange which has a very steep, circular curve in it.  There are giant signs that say "25" and show the shame of the circle on it ... but for some reason I often forget to pay close attention, and once I'm deep in the curve I remember that it's a lot sharper than I'd remembered.  Then I have to remind myself to SLOW DOWN! 

Consider oil tankers – though they’re gigantic and propelled by zillion horsepower engines, they’re steered by a relatively teeny rudder.  Likewise the tongue is a tiny part of the body, but it’s very powerful.  A whole forest fire can be set by one little match … and so the tongue is a match that can defile the whole body and sets on fire the course of our whole life, and is set on fire by hell.  Every species of animal has been tamed, we've tamed the wind and even the power of the atom – but no one can tame the tongue; it’s a restless evil and full of deadly poison.       James 3:4-8 (KPV) 
Since the tongue has such power, it would be wise to slow down and think and concentrate before you take that sharp turn.  Remember that in your car lives and property are at risk ... but when we speak, we can influence others for God - or away from Him.  

Slow down and think - before you speak.  Better yet, pray before you speak, asking God to help you speak only wisdom. 

PS: this message was really just for me, because I need it so badly.  I hope none of you have this problem as badly as I do, but if you do ... then read this again and ask God to make sure you obey this wisdom. 

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